On September 26, 2019, I flew over to Atlanta to visit Georgia Tech for our Product Design recruiting trip. Over the course of three days, we conducted in-person portfolio reviews, ran a problem solving workshop and also, gave an hour talk to the students about what it's like to design at Facebook.
For portfolio reviews, we met with 14 students on a 1:1 basis to give them valuable feedback on their portfolios. For the problem solving workshop, we met with 18 students and conducted a presentation, followed by a team exercise/design challenge. At the conclusion of the working time, each group presented their concept to the rest of the group. At last, for the design talk, we presented to 120 students on what "A Day in the Life as a Product Designer" looks like at a large tech company, like Facebook.
On June 2, 2019, I presented a personal reflection of my past few years before Facebook at the University of Washington. It was based on a book called, "Atomic Habits" written by James Clear who overcame his injuries from baseball by practicing on building good habits.
I shared my personal takeaways and summary from this book and how it really resonated with me given that I transformed myself from a person who didn't have many productive habits to being able to excel at what I do. Moreover, I shared some of the key things I achieved over the course of few years as well as answering any questions people had about any tips or suggestions.
On April 12, 2019, I gave a talk at the University of Washington - Dubstech group on the topic of empathy within the design process. Over 100 students attended this event and most of them had background in computer science, design, communications and marketing.
At Facebook, I design for marketers who use our Ads products. In order to design good products in the context of ads, it requires a lot of empathy building with the actual users who are far more sophisticated in the world of advertising and marketing that me. Therefore, I highlighted that for a designer to succeed in a B2B setting, it's important to approach building empathy.
On January 20, 2019, I was invited by FastCampus to give a talk at this venue. Over 500+ design professionals and students attended the event. For a total of 90 minutes including the Q&A session at the end, I presented "Designing for Marketers with Empathy" which was the core of my learnings so far at Facebook.
This was my first official professional talking opportunity where I represented my company and also, shared my work that had a huge impact. Overall, it was a great learning experience for me to unpack how I've been growing to become a more empathetic designer who cares about the user's true need.
Ever since I got into the field of design, I looked out for people that could help me understand the unknowns, get clarifications and tips about what I should start doing. However, it wasn't that easy to find a good mentor who answered my questions. Therefore, I decided that one day when I gradually get more experience in the field of design and people reach out to me, I would spare my own time to mentor others.
For the past several years, I started writing about my personal experiences in hope to share my honest opinions, tips and thoughts. This video that I did with Breakers - "한계를 부수는 이야기" expresses my passion for mentorship and why I spend time doing it.
Unlike others, I finally found what I was most passionate about way after graduating from college. In college, I initially started out by majoring in Mechanical Engineering which didn't work out for me. After serving two years in the Korean Army back home, I changed my major to Psychology but realized that getting a job wasn't so easy. After graduation, I stumbled upon an option to study for Law school. However, that also didn't work out for me. During all this, I went through a lot of emotional hardships.
This video that I did with Breakers - "한계를 부수는 이야기" talks about this journey of my own. And more importantly, how I overcame that and gradually found my passion for design. There are many tips that I share in chasing your dream and to manage your time effectively and strategically to achieve your goals.
In the Summer of 2018, I was interviewed by "ㅌㅇ" on its "Real Valley" series which aimed to share stories of Korean tech workers in the West Coast. The series is well known for the rich information and insights that it provides to the general public back in South Korea.
During this short interview, I shared briefly of the things I've done so far during and after school. At the end, I also talk about how I approach design in general and what I consider myself the characteristics of a good designer is.
Sketch App Sources is an online website that provides free and premium design resources for Sketch App. Until now, I've curated different kinds of Sketch templates such as Persona & Journey Map which were downloaded more than 30,000 times.
In 2018, shortly after my internship at Facebook, they contacted me for an interview about my journey into design. The article was published on Medium and over 350 people clapped 2.4k+ times for my story.
"ㅍㅍㅅㅅ" is a well-known Korean online magazine website that curates tech, design and business related articles. The interview I was a part of was reposted and shared on this website which was also promoted on the Innovation Lab by Facebook page.
In this short interview, I briefly talk about my journey from getting into Georgia Tech for my Master's in Human-Computer Interaction to getting an internship and a full-time job at Facebook.
Amazon, Google, Netflix, Microsoft등 세계 굴지의 기업에서 일하고 싶은가? 세계적인 인재들과 같이 경쟁하고 싶은가? 전세계 인구에게 임팩을 줄수 있는 제품이나 서비스를 개발하고 싶은가? 저녘이 있는 삶, 가족들과 좀더 시간을 보내고 싶은가? 전문 직업외에 등산, 취미, 원예, 목공등 취미생활을 좀더 즐기고 싶은가?
해외 이직, 미국 취업이 실현 불가능한 꿈이 아님을 24명의 저자가 보여준다. 이 책의 저자들은 다양한 환경에서 다양한 목적을 가지고 다양한 방법으로 미국 취업을 도전했고 성공했고 지금도 또 다른 꿈을 위해 열심히 살아가고 있다. 좋은 스펙의 사람이 있는 반면, 그져 평범한 사람들이 대부분이다.
중요한 것은 좋은 스펙이 아니다. 꿈이고 의지이고 실천이다. 이 책은 미국 이직 꿈을 잃은 당신을 위해 쓰여졌다. 이 책은 꿈을 꾸고 있는 당신을 돕기 위해 쓰여졌다. 이 책은 꿈을 이룰 수 있는 구체적인 방법과 실천 방향을 제시하기 위해 쓰여졌다. 뜻이 있는 길에 길이 있다고 했다. 길을 찾는 자에게 길은 발견되고 개척된다.
On September 26, 2019, I flew over to Atlanta to visit Georgia Tech for our Product Design recruiting trip. Over the course of three days, we conducted in-person portfolio reviews, ran a problem solving workshop and also, gave an hour talk to the students about what it's like to design at Facebook.
For portfolio reviews, we met with 14 students on a 1:1 basis to give them valuable feedback on their portfolios. For the problem solving workshop, we met with 18 students and conducted a presentation, followed by a team exercise/design challenge. At the conclusion of the working time, each group presented their concept to the rest of the group. At last, for the design talk, we presented to 120 students on what "A Day in the Life as a Product Designer" looks like at a large tech company, like Facebook.
On June 2, 2019, I presented a personal reflection of my past few years before Facebook at the University of Washington. It was based on a book called, "Atomic Habits" written by James Clear who overcame his injuries from baseball by practicing on building good habits.
I shared my personal takeaways and summary from this book and how it really resonated with me given that I transformed myself from a person who didn't have many productive habits to being able to excel at what I do. Moreover, I shared some of the key things I achieved over the course of few years as well as answering any questions people had about any tips or suggestions.
On April 12, 2019, I gave a talk at the University of Washington - Dubstech group on the topic of empathy within the design process. Over 100 students attended this event and most of them had background in computer science, design, communications and marketing.
At Facebook, I design for marketers who use our Ads products. In order to design good products in the context of ads, it requires a lot of empathy building with the actual users who are far more sophisticated in the world of advertising and marketing that me. Therefore, I highlighted that for a designer to succeed in a B2B setting, it's important to approach building empathy.
On January 20, 2019, I was invited by FastCampus to give a talk at this venue. Over 500+ design professionals and students attended the event. For a total of 90 minutes including the Q&A session at the end, I presented "Designing for Marketers with Empathy" which was the core of my learnings so far at Facebook.
This was my first official professional talking opportunity where I represented my company and also, shared my work that had a huge impact. Overall, it was a great learning experience for me to unpack how I've been growing to become a more empathetic designer who cares about the user's true need.
Ever since I got into the field of design, I looked out for people that could help me understand the unknowns, get clarifications and tips about what I should start doing. However, it wasn't that easy to find a good mentor who answered my questions. Therefore, I decided that one day when I gradually get more experience in the field of design and people reach out to me, I would spare my own time to mentor others.
For the past several years, I started writing about my personal experiences in hope to share my honest opinions, tips and thoughts. This video that I did with Breakers - "한계를 부수는 이야기" expresses my passion for mentorship and why I spend time doing it.
Unlike others, I finally found what I was most passionate about way after graduating from college. In college, I initially started out by majoring in Mechanical Engineering which didn't work out for me. After serving two years in the Korean Army back home, I changed my major to Psychology but realized that getting a job wasn't so easy. After graduation, I stumbled upon an option to study for Law school. However, that also didn't work out for me. During all this, I went through a lot of emotional hardships.
This video that I did with Breakers - "한계를 부수는 이야기" talks about this journey of my own. And more importantly, how I overcame that and gradually found my passion for design. There are many tips that I share in chasing your dream and to manage your time effectively and strategically to achieve your goals.
In the Summer of 2018, I was interviewed by "ㅌㅇ" on its "Real Valley" series which aimed to share stories of Korean tech workers in the West Coast. The series is well known for the rich information and insights that it provides to the general public back in South Korea.
During this short interview, I shared briefly of the things I've done so far during and after school. At the end, I also talk about how I approach design in general and what I consider myself the characteristics of a good designer is.
Sketch App Sources is an online website that provides free and premium design resources for Sketch App. Until now, I've curated different kinds of Sketch templates such as Persona & Journey Map which were downloaded more than 30,000 times.
In 2018, shortly after my internship at Facebook, they contacted me for an interview about my journey into design. The article was published on Medium and over 350 people clapped 2.4k+ times for my story.
"ㅍㅍㅅㅅ" is a well-known Korean online magazine website that curates tech, design and business related articles. The interview I was a part of was reposted and shared on this website which was also promoted on the Innovation Lab by Facebook page.
In this short interview,I briefly talk about my journey from getting into Georgia Tech for my Master's in Human-Computer Interaction to getting an internship and a full-time job at Facebook.
Amazon, Google, Netflix, Microsoft등 세계 굴지의 기업에서 일하고 싶은가? 세계적인 인재들과 같이 경쟁하고 싶은가? 전세계 인구에게 임팩을 줄수 있는 제품이나 서비스를 개발하고 싶은가? 저녘이 있는 삶, 가족들과 좀더 시간을 보내고 싶은가? 전문 직업외에 등산, 취미, 원예, 목공등 취미생활을 좀더 즐기고 싶은가?
해외 이직, 미국 취업이 실현 불가능한 꿈이 아님을 24명의 저자가 보여준다. 이 책의 저자들은 다양한 환경에서 다양한 목적을 가지고 다양한 방법으로 미국 취업을 도전했고 성공했고 지금도 또 다른 꿈을 위해 열심히 살아가고 있다. 좋은 스펙의 사람이 있는 반면, 그져 평범한 사람들이 대부분이다.
중요한 것은 좋은 스펙이 아니다. 꿈이고 의지이고 실천이다. 이 책은 미국 이직 꿈을 잃은 당신을 위해 쓰여졌다. 이 책은 꿈을 꾸고 있는 당신을 돕기 위해 쓰여졌다. 이 책은 꿈을 이룰 수 있는 구체적인 방법과 실천 방향을 제시하기 위해 쓰여졌다. 뜻이 있는 길에 길이 있다고 했다. 길을 찾는 자에게 길은 발견되고 개척된다.